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Saturday, December 26, 2009

Back on the jet...

Merry Christmas!! We hope you have had a wonderful Christmas with your families! We have enjoyed many celebrations!

Well Cooper is back on the jet ventilator. This was an expected set back after the surgery. The chest X-ray shows pockets of his lungs that are not moving like they should. The jet ventilator is designed to expand his lungs gently. This should help him with breathing and get rid of the CO2 he is holding. He also has a bit of an infection. A little bit after surgery Cooper started needing more and more suctioning of his lungs. They sent a sample of the secretions to the lab and sure enough there was infection there. They put him on 2 types of antibiotics, so this should take care of the infection rather quickly.

This morning Cooper's CO2 level was very high and his O2 stats were all over the place. The doctors decided that he was trying to breathe over the jet too much so they gave him some paralyzing drugs that would help him relax and let the jet do its job. We saw almost immediate results! His CO2 levels went from 92 to 32 in about an hour!! Unfortunately this was not a permanent change. His levels were back in the 70s this evening. They adjusted the pressures and we are just watching to see what he does.

Our church came to the hospital to serve their annual Christmas dinner tonight. I was truly blessed to get to be on both sides of this ministry: I got to greet parents and get served dinner as well! I am truly blessed to be a part of a church that finds and fills needs!!

God is so good!! I am blessed beyond anything I deserve!! I am working on giving my fear to Him and allowing Him to be in control! I have control issues and this is EXTREMELY hard for me! I have not been in control of any part of this whole situation!! Our past losses have also contributed to some extra fear and I am trying to just give it away! I know that He knows my heart and knows how fearful I am. His number one commandment (the one in the Bible the most) is "Do not Fear; Do not be afraid". I am working on that!! Giving Him my fear!

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