Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Doctor visit

Friday we went to the pediatrician's office for a checkup. We were hoping for a nice weight gain, but we were realistic because Cooper had a few days where he wouldn't finish his bottle or take solids. We put him on the scale and hoped for the best...At his last visit, just over a month ago, he weighed 12 lbs 4 oz. Friday he weighed 12 lbs 10 oz...... Bummer!
A six ounce gain in 30+days is not very good. I was a little bummed. BUT he grew over an inch and a half!! He is now 25 and 1/4 inches long, so that is a good thing! :) Now we have devised a plan to help maximize his weight gain. We are upping his formula and stretching out the time between bottles. This may seem like a "no brainer" to many of you, but Cooper is on a restricted diet. He is only allowed to get a certain amount of fluid each day. He also loves his night sleep (Thank God!!) and refuses to eat in the middle of the night which forces me to get all the liquid in during the day! I have been asking to stretch the time between feeds, but was told not to by the nutritionist. So, we carried on, feeding him 5 ounces every 3 hours for him to eat between 3-5 ounces and maybe a few bites of his vegetable or cereal. We are hoping that this new plan, which will give him 6 ounces every 4 hours will be better AND so far so good!!! He has been finishing 5-6 ounces each bottle! We will add back solids tomorrow (I didn't want to stretch his tummy too far!) Thank you Dr. Bill for listening!! We love you! :)
We basically have a week to see if this new plan works. There is another option if he doesn't do well with this schedule, but it involves medication, so we are praying this works!! Here goes nothing!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

9 months old!!

Cooper is 9 months old!! I cannot believe that we have survived these 9 months! He is such a blessing to us! He can roll from his tummy to his back, but he is content on his back, so he won't roll from back to tummy~yet!! He is laughing out loud and has a smile that melts our hearts! He is growing like a weed! He is over 12 lbs (we go Friday and I will update his exact weight then), and is 24 inches long! He is now wearing 3-6 month size and 6 month sleepers! He is eating solids and loves his green beans! He is still sleeping through the night (YAY!), and wakes up happy every morning! He is trying very hard to sit up, but his head is still too heavy for him! He is chewing on everything, so we think teeth are going to make an appearance soon!! He is such a good baby but is a little spoiled....OK~A LOT spoiled! But I was told that you "spoil apples, not children". I beg to differ!! :) He is such a miracle baby and we thank God every day for him!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

It has been a while!!

Cooper is growing by leaps and bounds!! (I'm not real sure what that saying means!!LOL) Since our last post, Cooper has gained some weight, tried new foods, dropped medications, and even dropped his oxygen requirements!!
Cooper now weighs 12 lbs 6 oz! He is over 8 months old and is 24 inches long! We are so in love with this precious angel!! He is such a happy baby! He is very well behaved and likes to watch everyone and everything! He is quite the little observer! He has even started laughing out loud!!
He is still on oxygen 24 hours a day but is on .3 liters (down from .5 earlier this year and .8 from NICU). He is still on the monitors which help us know how he is doing.
He loves solid food!! His favorite vegetable is green beans! We start a new one every week. He has tried green beans, carrots, squash, sweet potatoes, sweet peas, apple sauce, and we are starting pears this week! Of course I have pictures of each of these!! The poor thing has 6 FULL photo albums and he is just over 8 months old!
He is doing great with his therapy. Tennessee Early Intervention has a teacher, Ms. Sandy, that comes out once a week to help with things like tummy time, reaching for objects, and rolling over. Cooper HATES tummy time and now rolls over every time he is on his tummy! It is so cute! Unfortunately he is quite content on his back, so no rolling over from back to tummy...YET!! Ms. Sandy has given me so many ideas and pointers to keep Cooper on track. It is so wonderful having her here to help! She just loves Cooper and he loves her too!!
It has been a crazy few months! I LOVE every minute of being a mommy!!