Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Monday, October 11, 2010

A great week!

Cooper is finally 14 pounds!! We had 2 doctor appointments last week. Wednesday we went to the BPD clinic. They did another room air trial and he did fabulous!!! He stayed off oxygen for about 30 minutes and his oxygen saturation stayed above 97% the WHOLE time!!! So I was hoping for a big drop, but they dropped him from .3 to .2......The reason we were given was they didn't want him working too hard and burning too many calories... She said we can take him off for bath time and if he stays above 98-99% at home, we can turn him to .1, so we will see!!

On Friday Cooper had a renal ultrasound to re-evaluate his kidneys. The ultrasound showed that his kidneys are growing normally and looked great!! Praise God!! They took him off the preventative amoxicillin so we will see how that goes!!

Cooper is growing so fast! He is such a happy baby! He smiles at everyone he meets now and is talking away! He is such a blessing! We are still working on sitting up!! My favorite thing he has recently discovered is his screaming voice! He will now scream just to scream! It is too funny!


  1. what awesome news and hopefully cooper will be off the O2 soon! PRAISE GOD for the great improvements in these little babes lives!
