Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Friday, February 12, 2010

2 steps back...

We have always known that life in the NICU is a roller coaster. Sometimes you take 2 steps forward to end up 1 step back. Well our little Cooper has had a little set back. This past Sunday they tested his CO2 levels and they were high. They decided to give him 24 hours and retest. The second set of tests also showed high Co2 levels, but his PH was low which showed that his body was compensating. Another round of tests was ordered for the following day. Tuesday morning the labs were drawn and revealed a high CO2 and a high PH...So the doctors decided to turn the vapotherm up from 4 to 5 liters and retest in 24 hours. Wednesday morning's test revealed a higher CO2 level and his vapotherm was turned up again to 6. He started out on 5. We have not been to 6 before, so this is a new area. Thursday's labs revealed a CO2 that was a little lower so they kept him on 6 and are retesting on Saturday morning.

I am a little bummed. We were looking like he was coming home soon. Now we are back further than we started. I should NOT complain!! We have had a wonderful and fairly easy NICU experience when compared to others, but it is hard. I am SO looking forward to the day where I don't have to shower, dry my hair, get dressed, and drive for 45 minutes to see my son! All I will have to do is walk into the next room...

I guess this is harder for me now because we were told originally to shoot for the due date. My due date was March 1st. As we are nearing this date, I am getting more anxious to have him home. This was by NO MEANS a guarantee, but we were hoping! We are just disappointed in his little setback. I hope I don't sound like a brat!! LOL! I am SO PROUD of our son and all he has accomplished! What an amazing little guy and a HUGE blessing! I am just ready to get him home!! So I guess I am asking for specific prayers to help him breathe better.

He is quite the charmer!! He has the NICU nurses wrapped around his little fingers! So he is quite comfortable!! I am too, They are wonderful and I am learning a lot! I wonder what I will do with all this information when we leave......Thanks for your prayers!! Thanks for letting me vent a little! I have tried to keep this blog positive but still be real! Love you all!


  1. Tiff,

    NICU life is tough. Constant anxiety, constant worry. In the midst of your tough days just remember: the little man that you have been praying for and wanting for years is here. He may have some hurdles and bumps to get through, but don't let Satan still your joy. God has given you a gift. Praise Him in the storm.

    Love you guys and praying for you.


  2. Set backs are to be expected! But he has done so well! I have been praying for his breathing and will continue to pray for all of you. God will use all the steps forward and backwards for HIS glory and God's plan is perfect! You may be ministering to doctors and nurses and don't know it! God will keep you there until HIS plan in complete. Try NOT to get discouraged, he is doing great!!! I know you are so ready to get him home and that will be a SUPER special day. Sounds like we need a pedicure day soon! :) SATAN flee from The Jones, you can NOT have their joy!! AMEN!! LOVE YOU! PRAYNG! Katrina
