Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Our first outing...

Cooper came home on Monday, March 29th. We had our first "outing" on Thursday, April 1st. We were heading to the pediatrician. I started getting ready for our outing at 6pm the night before. I packed his diaper bag, figured out the stroller, picked out his outfit, and got the last minute items ready to pack. We had to be there at 9:45am. I thought, "No problem! We got this!" WRONG!!!!!!!

The morning started out at 6am. I got him up and fed and got myself ready. The last thing we did was dress him and we were ready to head out the door. Kevin takes Cooper out to the car and says he is going to load the extra oxygen tanks. I get everything else to the car. It is like we are leaving for weeks!! How much stuff does 1 baby need for a few hours out of the house??? LOL!! Anyway, we are running a bit late, GO FIGURE! We are just past the airport on I-40 when the traffic starts slowing down...We also have to be there in 20 minutes.... Then Kevin says "CRAP!" He tells me that when he took Cooper out to the car, it was cold in the garage, so he came back in the house for a blanket and did not pack the extra oxygen. That is right; NO extra OXYGEN!!! I contemplate cancelling the appointment, but we are hoping the doctors office has wall oxygen so this tank can be conserved. We have small portable tanks that last about 2 hours and 40 minutes. We are 40ish minutes from home to doctor's office and then 40 minutes home; not counting the time there. So, we push on and get there at 9:40.

My good friend's mother is the office manager and she let me wait in her office instead of the waiting room. The first visit means A LOT of paperwork. So we walk into Mrs. Trevino's office and Cooper spits up. YAY! He also begins making gas noises. YAY!! We inform her of our oxygen delima and she gets everyone on the move. Everyone was so nice, they were trying to make us feel better. One nurse said, "Hey, You are here and you are dressed. You've done great!" I am thinking, "Yeah we are here, but we have NO EXTRA OXYGEN AND OUT SON NEEDS OXYGEN!!"

They decide to see us right away. Cooper's nurse, Tara, takes him to be weighed, and I follow her with the oxygen tank. She goes to take his diaper off and he has pooped! YAY! So, I go to get wipes and a clean diaper and take off with the oxygen tank, nearly pulling it off Cooper. I am thinking, "Nice! They are not going to let me leave with him. They are going to keep him because we are such a TRAIN WRECK!!" I bring back the clean diaper and the rest of the visit goes relatively well. I change his clothes and we head home. We get home just as the oxygen tank is heading into the red. WE MADE IT!!

We take him inside and celebrate surviving our first outing. I go to unpack his dirty clothes from the diaper bag and can't find them...YES, I left them at the office!!!!! TRAIN WRECK!!! I felt so bad!! It was typical me!! Get the smallest details and forget the important stuff!!!

Hope this made you laugh!! It almost made me cry!!


  1. Oh Tiffany, this story is so funny! I know it was a horror as it was all unfolding, but as the nurse told you, you were dressed, so consider that a victory. :O) Hang in there. It gets easier to get up and go!

  2. If it makes you feel any better, I forgot Cade's diaper bag to his first visit, of course he pooped so I was just holding him naked, and of course he pooped again all over my clothes. It happens to us all sister!!

  3. Bless your sweet heart! :) I'm proud of y'all for getting there and back! Next time y'all go out it will seem like a breeze! :)

    Great "chatting" with you today! Praying you will get some good sleep tonight. :)
